You're Dad has melted. I really didn't think it would happen until AFTER you were born, but... I.WAS.WRONG!
See, your Dad has become cutely obsessed. Obsessed with my belly, obsessed with you kicking, punching and rolling around inside me, obsessed with looking at your room and everything in it. But mostly, (and yes, I'm sure he'll kill me for documenting this) he's become obsessed with...
watching "A Baby Story" and "Baby's First Day". Actually, he seems to love it so much, he asks me to PVR it (record it on the digital box). He comes home from work and gets REALLY excited to be able to sit, relax and watch his "baby shows" :) I think it's adorable.
He loves asking me questions about "how I feel" or "if it's okay if he does x, y or z, that the Dad's do in the videos" or "gets all pouty and excited when the baby is born and the Daddy gets to hold him/her for the first time. He then tells me, "I think when the baby gets here, I might turn to mush"...
I look at him, very lovingly and usually say to him, "Honey, you already have".
Lastly though, he is already getting territorial.
He likes to tell me that since I will have "held" you for 9/10 months, I don't get anymore turns when you come out. He feels/thinks that he gets to be the FIRST person to hold you and doesn't have to hand you over to anyone if he doesn't want to. I just laugh at him, why burst his bubble? :)
I wanted you to have all of this to remember, because when days that your Dad defends that he's "too manly", "a tough guy" or is the "hard one" of us can rub this in his face with me...hee hee!
2017 Week 3/52
8 years ago
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