I realized from very early on, that my body would change and that I wouldn't have control over what changes would happen. What I didn't realize, was how much and how quickly.
See little one, when you have a baby of your own one day (I don't want to think too much about that!), you will hear stories, read books and be given advice on what to do, how to adjust to the changes and what's "normal" or not...
The night that your Dad and I went out for dinner to celebrate, we finished the night at Chapters. He sat there with his cappuccino, reading books on gardening (no surprise there) and I picked up the largest stack of books that I could carry, on: "How to be a good Mom", "How to eat healthy while eating for two", "What to expect...", "Belly Laughs", "Guide to Canadian Births" etc. etc. etc. I felt already, like I wouldn't have enough time to take it all in. I wanted to get knowledge (other than what I'd already had from working with kids and friends having kids), before I started getting advice...wanted or not (and I had been WARNED about the unwanted advice!).
It took quite awhile for your Dad to pick up any sort of pregnancy related book. I strategically left them lying around the house, in the bathroom, beside his bed...pretty much anywhere. I would talk to him about what I read and what I thought would NEVER happen to me, but of course did. He would listen and laugh, or tell me I was crazy...until he physically saw my body changing. It was around that time, that I started seeing him read a few pages here and there, or look at some birthing pictures in shock!
Things I can tell you that I expected to happen:
- My body shape would change (legs, butt, belly, arms, face, pretty much everything)
- My body would get more sore, the bigger I got
- It would get uncomfortable to sleep
- I could get stretch marks or a line down my tummy
- I would have to go to the bathroom A LOT!
- My feet might swell
- I might get itchy skin from you stretching me
- I might gain weight slowly or quickly (I expected quickly!)
- My skin/hair might change
- My eating habits might change for the better or worse
- I might have cravings or start eating a lot more than usual
Things that I didn't expect to happen, that have been:
- My belly seems to be the only thing growing (besides my chest)
- Your Dad and I talk about "going to the bathroom" more than I could have ever dreamt of (sometimes because you're growing so much, I can't remember how long it's been since I've gone, or because I have to pee ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!)
- I have started swelling earlier than I would have liked to
- My back, hips and shoulders have been causing me lack of sleep since week 15
- I hated vegetables and they made me sick from weeks 6-14!!! Which was awful, because I love vegetables and it made me feel so sick not to be able to eat them!
- I had nausea if I didn't eat frequently and had something salty everytime I ate
- I started to love spicy food, the spicier the better!!!!!!!!!!!
- I started to hate chicken and fish and LOVE LOVE LOVE red meat!
- I occasionally lose my lack of taste. I have to get your Dad to taste things, as I can't taste certain flavours of food!
- I have some cravings on occasion, but I also can't eat as much as I need to, as I get really full, really quickly!
- If I'm not working, I can get a nap in a few days a week, I haven't napped since I was a little kid!
- Your Dad is falling more and more in love with my belly, your kicking and the fact that I am carrying his son/daughter! For your Dad to tell me this often, melts my heart!
I hope that one day, when you are all grown up and you have questions/worries, you'll be able to look back at this and see some things that are totally "normal", from one person to the next. Don't let some of the books you might read scare you! Some books are written in a way that are negative, scary and might not be the most helpful. I had to make sure that I put those down, tried not to worry too much and find something more positive, that helped teach me how to be a good "baby grower"...
2017 Week 3/52
8 years ago
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